Paper Title
Measuring Customers Brand Loyalty in Pakistan

The main purpose of this exploratory research is to find out why people are loyal to a specific brand and what are the prominent factors that affect the decision of customers regarding purchase of a product. For this a survey was conducted and there were 300 respondents and the data was entered and analyzed using SPSS. The results of this quantitative research were analyzed using regression, correlation and binary logistic regression. According to different test it is proved that there are various factors that have a great impact on brand loyalty such as gender, age, income, and status. And it is proved that brand loyalty has a positive relation with the purchase decision, means if a person is brand loyal due to any factor he/she definitely considered that brand as the first choice in a particular category when buying that product or service. The main objective of the research was also to identify and describe why people are or become brand loyal either it is because the brand provides satisfaction, or the brand provides such quality that automatically people are attracted towards that brand or its just because of brands superior name. Index Terms - Brand Loyalty, Satisfaction, Quality, Brand Name, Purchase Intention