Paper Title
Comparative Study of Social Involvement and Social Competition of Rural Area and Urban Area Working Women of Himachal Pradesh

It is true that women today has a status for different from the past. She has entered the field of work out of the house and is taking active part in it. In spite of that, are cannot neglect the universal fact, that she cannot be an absolutely free from her duties as wife, mother and home-marker. She has to realize that nature has so made her that she alone can bring into being a happy home, the basic unit on which society is built. The investigator has undertaken the study entitled comparative study of social involvement and social competition of rural area and urban area working women of Himachal Pradesh. The objective of the study was to find out the difference between rural and urban area working women of Himachal Pradesh in variables of social involvement and social competition. Null hypothesis was formulated. Six hundred randomly selected subjects were taken for the present study i.e. three hundred from rural area and three hundred from urban area .Manual for social competence scale by Dr. Y.P Sharma and Shukla was used, ‘t’ was employed to establish the difference.