Paper Title
Working for Filipino Seafarers: State Preference as Determinant to the Success of International Standardization

The negative effects of globalization led ship owners to inadvertently abuse the market. Too much competition created a market imbalance, hence, the need for legitimacy and governance in the shipping sector. Seafarers are faced with the reality of having minimally tangible protection against the terrors of the sea. Cases, which resulted to physical injuries, disability or death caused by harmful hazards and accidents, maritime terrorism, labor malpractice and piracy, call for a legitimacy of establishing minimum working standards. Countries do not abruptly raise their labor standards without the just cause. This study explored the concept of state preference as determinants to understanding how a state improve and meet international standards. Motivations compel states to become part of an international convention. The Philippines was used as a case study as it was the first top labor-supplying state that ratified the convention. The research posed the question, how does state preference contribute to a country’s membership to international cooperation, specifically, does labor representation contribute to the success of membership of the Philippines to join international maritime cooperation. Keywords - State Preference, Filipino Seafarers, Maritime Labor Convention, Labor Standards, Liberal Institutionalism