Paper Title
Application of Singing Methods in Improving Children's Expressive Languages

This study aimed at finding out the the application of Singing methods In improving children's expressive languages. The type of the study was classroom action research. The subjects of this study were 24 children and 1 teacher. The study was held in Ra Ihya Al-Ullum 1 Kindergarten, Tamalanrea Indah Village, Tamalanrea Sub-District, Makassar City. The techniques of data collection was observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that the ability of expressive language In Cycle I Categorized Less, because the ability of the child's expressive language has not increased And Cycle I and second meeting there has been a change but still lacking because the ability of the child's expressive language has not reached the standard to be achieved And Cycle II first meeting Categorized Enough Because the ability of the child's expressive language has improved. Cycle II second meeting has experienced a good improvement Besides Teachers and Students Activity Also Improved Categorized B. the Conclusion of Application of Singing Methods in Language Improvement Expressive child has done well. Keywords - Singing method, Children Expressive language, childhood education.