Paper Title
Visual Susceptibility as an Archaic Tool for an Accessible Method in Design Education
The most known and recognised way that raise humanity up to civilization, is education. Visual sensibility can
be defined as a gift of defining a vision and turning it into a product, which is much more than eye pleasure that would be
useful in design process. The one who has that gift, could expose the approach of the designer. An artist could develop
specified production methods that he do not have to define. Perceiving and identifying every component that could make
him productive, could be demonstrated as an artist responsibility. Whereas a designer expresses the product that can be
described as the existent situation of a vision. Design is a process that is conducted in the light of human needs, for human.
Opposite to technological changes and trends that is is directly in interaction, its every contribution on design values, is a
development. A designer should be identified as someone who manifest productive products sustainably, systematically,
decisively and consistently. What is expected from design activity is contribution to vital quality and productivity, much
more than exposing the unthought.
Index terms - Design Education, Visual Sensibility, Project Ideation, Product Design Conception.