Paper Title
Business Remodeling: Exploring new Initiatives in Key Business Functions
Company values matter. Every successful company has a set of company values to assist their employees in
achieving their goals as well as the company’s. They are the essence of the company’s identity and summarize the purpose
of their existence. Company values are a guide on how the company should run and they are normally integrated in the
company’s mission statement. Companies should try to establish their company values as a team instead of just the leader or
management. By doing so, everyone in the company would feel belong and they would feel needed and not neglected. A
business has to perform a number of functions in order to achieve its objectives. One of the major functions of business
produces goods from raw materials. Similarly transporting goods from place of production to the market is also another
function of the business. Innovation is inherently risky, to be sure, and getting the most from a portfolio of innovation
initiatives is more about managing risk than eliminating it. Since no one knows exactly where valuable innovations will
emerge, and searching everywhere is impractical, executives must create some boundary conditions for the opportunity
spaces they want to explore. The process of identifying and bounding these spaces can run the gamut from intuitive visions
of the future to carefully scrutinized strategic analyses. Thoughtfully, prioritizing these spaces also allows companies to
assess whether they have enough investment behind their most valuable opportunities and remodeled their key functions to
achieve fruition.
Keywords - Business, Remodeling, Operations, Market, Initiatives, Pidilite, Fevicol