Paper Title
The Effect of BIG-FIVE Nursing Teamwork Training on Missed Nursing Care
Background: Missed nursing care is universally used as an indicator of quality nursing care, however, little is known about
mitigating effects of teamwork on these events. The need for strong teamwork has been emphasized because ineffective
teamwork has been recognized as a major attribute to declined patient safety. Aim: Was to evaluate the effect of nursing
teamwork training program on missed nursing care. Design: A quasi experimental (one group pretest-posttest) design was
utilized. Setting: Was in 3 medical intensive care units at the New El Kasr Al Aini Teaching Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: Were
48 nursing staff worked at the selected units. Tools: Data were collected by the Modified Nursing Teamwork Observational
Checklist and Missed Nursing Care Observational Checklist. Results: There were statistically significant differences among
the majority of study participant’s observed nursing teamwork dimensions (t= 2.74, p=.007) and missed nursing care
dimensions (t= 4.88, p=.0001) pre and post-program implementation in addition to the negative correlation (r = -0.21, p =
0.06) between nursing teamwork and missed nursing care total dimensions post-program implementation. Conclusion:
Hypotheses of positive effect of nursing teamwork training on missed nursing care were supported. Recommendations:
Regular and frequent short term teamwork training as well as training on the identified areas of missed nursing care is
important to be introduced in addition to the sustainable efforts in such as continuous evaluation are required to ensure nursing
attitudes, knowledge and skills’ change in relation to teamwork and quality of nursing care.
Key words - Big-five, Missed Nursing Care, Nursing Teamwork, Training.