Paper Title
Impact of Road Intersection on Fuel Economy and Green House Gases Emission on Existing Dhaka-Chittagong National Highway and Proposed Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway
Frequent road intersections substantially reduce Level of Services and increase Vehicle Operating Time (VOT) of
Dhaka-Chittagong National Highway (NH1), the major transport corridor of Bangladesh that eventually leads to inefficient
fuel economy and excessive greenhouse gases (GHG) emission. The paper attempts to estimate the fuel loss due to the lost
time at intersections and successive GHG emission both for Proposed Dhaka-Chittagong Expressway (DCE) and NH1. In
spite of upgrading NH1 into a four-lane highway, major road intersections reduce vehicle speed and increase congestion time
and eventually burn fuel. Fuel expenses during this lost time covers no distance but increases COx, NOx, SOx emission
within the vicinity of road, generates additional heat and contributes to road side temperature. In the face of projected traffic
growth for 2022 on this corridor, in this study, fuel consumption savings has been estimated around 13% for ten intersections
at NH1 compared to DCE and regarding CO, NO and HC emission reduction for different driving behavior and CO2
emission reduction for idling emission due to EFI and MFI engine contributes to transport sector pollution.
Keywords - Fuel economy, GHG emission, Road intersections, Vehicle Operating Time.