Paper Title
English Remedial Framework to Promote University Students’ Writing Ability
To make students to be equipped with a strong English writing ability for knowledge-based society competitiveness,
this paper presents English remedial framework targeting 25 English major students, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai
University by integrating four learning theories: Second Language Acquisition; Error Analysis; and Project based Learning.
The results. The assessment results of a pretest and posttest writing exercises show statistically significant improvements. The
top 3 improvement is ‘collocation, punctuation, omission, misselection, blend or hybrid, coordination’ based on Error Analysis.
And after the course, 4% students learn nothing, 72% students gain a little knowledge from the class, 18% students get much
knowledge from the class based on students’ self-assessment’. This paper suggests English remedial framework can be useful
in higher education to give students more guidance and change the way of learning English and improve their English writing
Index terms - English Writing Ability; English Remedial Framework; Second Language Acquisition; Error Analysis; Project
Based Learning; Learning Assessment.