Paper Title
The Identification of Factors Affecting Guest Satisfaction: An Application of Online Reviews Analysis At Six Senses Ninh Van Bay Resort and Spa
This study aims to identify key factors that positively and negatively affects guest satisfaction level at Six Senses
Ninh Van Bay Resort and Spa, Nha Trang, Vietnam through an analysis of guest’s online reviews. By utilizing netnography
method and taking user-generated content (UGC) – 206 online reviews as a data source to be the basis for the classification of
satisfaction factors. 6 main categories with specific 31 attributes are identified and considered to directly affect guest
satisfaction at the resort. This paper proposes a new method to measure guest satisfaction besides traditional quantitative
approach and qualitative approach. The researcher hopes that the results of this paper could be useful for SSNVB’s managers
in terms of evaluating the performance of the resort and suggestion to maximize the guest satisfaction level.
Index Terms- Content analysis, guest satisfaction, netnography, Nvivo.