Paper Title
A Study of Teaching Methods and Techniques for the Mathematics Outstanding Teachers under the Basic Education of Thailand
In this descriptive study, this research were to study teaching methods and techniques for the mathematics
outstanding teachers under the basic education of The North East. The population of this study was limited to the outstanding
teachers at Secretarial Office of the teachers’ Council of The North East. during 2016 – 2017. The sample consisted of 12
from 2 province, were purposively selected. Data was collected through classroom observations, study lesson plan, and
interviews. Content analysis method was employed in the data analysis. Frequency percentage and mean were used as
statistical tools. The results indicated that: 1. Generally, Mathematic outstanding teachers used the small-group discussion
method, deductive method, case, Simulation, Problem-based learning, Game, and Inquiry as their main teaching methods. 2.
Mathematic outstanding teachers used technique considering in each stage of teaching and learning activities
Keywords - Teaching methods, techniques for the Mathematics Outstanding Teachers