Paper Title
An Analysis on the Teaching Process of Capstone Courses -Taking The Best Award of National Colleges’ Practical Project Competition as an Example
This research was focus on the teacher who has led students to winning prized topics in the National Colleges’
Practical Project Competition (NCPPC) and his capstonecourse (practical project) teaching experience in electrical
engineering and computer science department in technological university. After reviewed related literature, we set our
interview course according to scholar Shyu’s idea of the five stages of inducting teaching process in project-based learning
(PjBL) courses. Semi structured interviews was used on the top three prized project advisers of the NCPPC of year 2014, 2015
and 2016. We collected the data of teaching process of project courses, and after data coding and analyzing the transcripts. The
findings of this research were concluded as follows: 1. Electrical engineering teachers in technology universities have five
stages during their teaching: Preparation, Implementation, Presentation, Evaluation and Revision. 2.During each stage the
teacher will emphasize on enhancing a different technique of students, in preparation stage will work on professional
techniques, in Implementation stage will lead students to data collection, during presentation stage students have a chance to
improve oral speaking, evaluation stage helps with multi-evaluation, and revision stage helps student learn about applying for
patents, And 3.Electronical engineering field students in technology universities will gain their knowledge during preparation
stage, in implementation stage they get to learn about team spirit, the presentation stage enhances their vision and technique
exchanges, the evaluation stage they get to accept and hear different advices, and the revision stage they will then participate in
competitions and make improvements.
Keywords: Project-Based Learning (PjBL), Capstone Course, Project Courses, Teaching Process, National Colleges’
Practical Project Competition (NCPPC)