Paper Title
A Comparative Study on Customer Preference towards Lipton Green Tea and Organic India Green Tea
The drinks part in India has experienced huge change in the previous 15 years. Inside the drinks part, Tea
industry in India is to grow 40 % every year and would twofold or triple circumstances in the size by 2017-18. This industry
is slowly creeping its way towards turning into the following blasting industry. Tea is accessible in two wide structures i.e.
marked tea and free tea. A Branded tea implied by those all tea brands which are known at national level and are performing
exceptionally well in the market. Shopper inclinations are characterized as the subjective (singular) tastes, as estimated by
utility, of different packs of products. Objectives of this study were to identify the factors which effect on consumer
preference while selecting Organic India Green Tea or Lipton Green Tea and also comparison between customer preferences
between these brands. Structures questionnaire was prepared and with the help of factor analysis we found 5factors and on
these factors when we applied T- test and compared so found the reason of selection of any one brand during the purchasing
process. The study will help the retailers to understand the underlying consumer preference factors for the branded tea and
help them to craft their marketing strategies retailer can make smooth and meaningful strategies to identify and understand
various customer segments and to target each segment with more focused marketing strategies.
Keywords - Consumer Preference, Branded Tea, Lipton, Organic India, Green Tea