Paper Title
Students’ Attitudes towards Corrective Feedback in EFL Secondary School Classroom: A systematic review
Corrective feedback seems to be essential to promote secondary school students' learning. The effectiveness of corrective feedback depends on how it is given, and it can be given in various ways such as direct, indirect, written, and oral feedback. Students' perceptions can also influence the way of feedback provided. This study aims to find out EFL secondary students' preferences towards corrective feedback. Two databases which were ERIC and Springer Exemplar were used in the searching strategy. The included articles were published from 2008 to 2017, peer-reviewed articles, and at a secondary level. 10 studies were selected from 1,009 studies as the total of studies at the first search. Specifically, 4 studies focus on oral corrective feedback, whilst the other studies relate to direct and indirect corrective feedback with 3 studies respectively. The reviewed studies show that most students have a positive view of corrective feedback, and oral corrective feedback seems to be a preferable type of corrective feedback, especially recast that repeats the errors by the corrected forms. However, the agreement between teachers and students should be considered in deciding the process of delivering and receiving corrective feedback. Further research also needs to consider teachers' attitudes towards corrective feedback. Keywords - Corrective feedback, EFL classroom, secondary school, students’ attitudes