Paper Title
Instructional Design for Attitudinal Learning in a MOOC: Learner Demographics, Enrollment Purpose, and Perception of Learning Activities
In this mixed-method study,MOOC learners‟ perceptions of attitudinal learning was examined as well as the impact of learner demographics, enrollment purpose, and perception of the most impactful learning activity. Survey results were buttressed by interview data to gain additional insights.Learners‟ perspectives on instructional design choices and learning challenges were examined in addition to those of the instructor. Further, a series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that age and ethnicity were the best predictors for affective learning gains; gender and perception of impactful activity for behavioral learning gains; and ethnicity, enrollment purpose, and perception of impactful activity for cognitive learning gains. Implications for the design and facilitation of instructional activities in MOOCs designed to enhance attitudinal learning, are discussed.
Index Terms - Attitudinal Learning, Instructional Design, MOOC.