Paper Title
Examining English Language Learning Difficulties Amongst Thai Students
This study investigates student’s English language learning difficulties using a participatory action research
approach. The study seeks to gain insight into difficulties faced by English learners in the international business management
program at the faculty of management science UbonRatchathani University. Findings revealed that difficulties faced by
students are related to teaching methods, personal, and the environment surrounding the learners. Also, the difficulties faced
were different across different skills in English language learning. These findings were consistent with those made by other
researchers: (Al Fadda, 2012; Boon-Long, 2008; Hassan & Badi, 2015; Song, 1995; TURNER & HIRAGA, 1996).
Indicating that though learners differ in their abilities and background, they, however, face similar learning difficulties in
their quest to acquire English as their second language.
Keywords: Language Learners, Learning difficulties, participatory action research