Paper Title
Brand Communication Strategy for Leathercraft Business (Case: Monze)
The use of leather as a raw material for the manufacture of fashion products is nothing new. Since a long time ago,
leather has been used to make various fashion items, such as bags, shoes, jackets, and others. A few years ago, along with the
growth of creative industries in Indonesia, many emerging new brands that produce and sell leathercraft products. Monze is
one of the new player who is also creating a leathercraft brand. For approximately six months, Monze still cannot achieve a
satisfactory sales number. This is evident is seen from the very significant sales fluctuations. Therefore, this study aims to find
the right strategy that Monze can apply for the continuation of business activities. Questionnaire and Interview are used to get
information from target market about their preference in leathercraft product. The resulting solution is a new way of brand
Index Terms - Branding, Communication, Fashion Leathercraft.