Paper Title
The Thinking Style of Teachers towards The Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in Preschool
This research was carried out to analyse the thinking style of preschool teachers in the implementation of higher
order thinking skill (HOTS) in preschool. The sample of this research stands of 100 preschool teachers. A questionnaire
consist of 21 questions were distributed to the respondents. The Hermeneutics method was used to analyse the data collected
from the respondents. According to the findings of this research, it is identified that most of the teachers have a good
thinking style in terms of inquisitive, open-mindedness, systematic, analytic, reality seeking, confidence in thinking skill and
maturity. The implication of this research isto educate teachers to cultivate good thinking skill in them to implement higher
order thinking skill among preschool students.
Keywords - Higher Order Thinking Skill, Thinking Style, Preschool, Hermeneutics Method.