Paper Title
Application of Complexity Theory to Educational Decision-Making Process: A model for Democratic School Change
This paper attempts to apply the Complexity Theory as nonlinear dynamics system to educational decision-making
process as a metaphor. Different from conventional form of linear and static approaches, the chaotic characters of the
Complexity Theory provide nonlinear, dynamic, and creative ways of decision-making process. For the application, this paper
adopted three major variables from the Complexity Theory: attractors, bifurcations, and the fractal structure. Based on the
three concepts, this paper applied the theoretical implications of the Complexity Theory to a school’s case, La Escuela Fratney
school, and developed a model for democratic school change. Finally, the implications of this modeling and the application are
discussed. This suggested model could broaden the horizon of schools’ policy-making practices in more democratic ways,
facilitated by diverse, open, and self-regulative movements, rather than linear, directive, and hierarchical processes.
Index Terms - Chaos theory, democracy, educational decision-making process, school policy