Paper Title
College Choice After Job Experience of High Schooler and Labor Market Performance of Post-College Career
We try to find out the characteristics of late college entrants with job experience after high school graduation and
compare labor market effect between college graduate with complex school-to-work transition path and graduate with simple
transition path. We use the raw data of The Korean Education and Employment Panel Survey(KEEP) from 2004 to 2015.
Job experience of high schooler increases the probability of college choice and having good job hinders the college entrance.
Association between college major and job contents is not influenced by pre-college job experience but we can see the
possibility of career competency enhancing effect for male vocational education path. In these aspects, Korea government’s
policy of ‘Work first, College late’ might be able to improve the labor market efficiency.
Keywords - College choice, job experience, career competency, major-job association