Paper Title
Does Farm Output Differ Among Women Farmers Using Healthcare Service Options in Niger Delta, Nigeria?
This study investigated differences in farm productivity of women farmers using different healthcare services in Niger Delta Nigeria. Two hundred and sixteen female farmers were randomly selected from 18communities in three states in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA were used to determine the correlation between farm output and healthcare options used by farmers. Post hoc testing was used to identify variables with significant association. Result showed that 41.7% of farmers had not suffered from any ill health. It was observed that 32.4% had malaria, 8.8% typhoid, 4.6% malaria and typhoid and 2.8% suffered others health problems. It was found that 43.5% useda combination of government and private healthcare services for treatment. Only 10.2% were aware of the National Healthcare Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and the rest (89.8%) were unaware of it. Data showed that the mean farm output of self-farmers was higher and significantly different from other healthcare users. There was no significant difference in the mean output of farmers who used short-term and long-term treatment, but their mean output lower than those that had no sickness. There is a need to provide and improve quality healthcare delivery system to enhance farmers‟access and therefore their health and wellbeing. Keywords - Niger Delta, farm output, women, farmers, healthcare services