Paper Title
The Moderation Role of Awareness in the Intention to Adopt Telemedicine Technology Among Health Facilities: A Proposed Model
Health systems round the world are looking for development of their healthcare services that they offer to the
population. Therefore, they invest more in technologies like telemedicine as to improve the quality, effectiveness and service
delivery time. Nevertheless, not all the organizations have adopted and used the technology effectively as expected. Thus,
this paper propose a conceptual model based on combination of Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of technology and
Technology-Organization-Environment framework with awareness of telemedicine and its benefit as moderator variable to
study the telemedicine adoption in organizational level. Moreover, this research complements the conceptual model after
reviewing the literature with new variables of IT infrastructure, Health facility size, Trading partner readiness and
competitive pressure as to fit the environment of least developed countries and the adoption of telemedicine technology.
Keywords - Technology Adoption, TOE, UTAUT, Telemedicine.