Paper Title
Character Traits and Governance Practices of Local Chief Executives as Predictors of Performance of Local Government Units in Northern Samar
This study determined the character traits and governance practices of local government officials in the LGUs of
Northern Samar. As guided by the current study’s objective, it determined the effect of the demographic profile and
character traits on governance practices of local executives. This study included the profile of the respondents, particularly
the age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, years in public service, and relevant training and seminars attended.
Additionally, the Big Five character trait dimensions also known as Five Factor Model consists of the five traits; openness,
conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism were also determined. The governance practices
(transparency, participation, accountability, leadership, general organization and governance, inter-governmental relations,
rule of law continuity in the implementation of programs, predictability and sustainability, preference for the poor, and
effective, responsive, provision of basic services were correlated with demographic profile and character traits of the local
executives.The study covered 12 municipalities randomly selected from the twenty-four (24) municipalities. Educational
attainment significantly correlated with participation, general organization, governance and inter-governmental relations.
These findings show that education is important in the functions of the LCE such as conducting public consultations,
creating local development council and monitoring of institutionalized technical NGO members. Length of public service
significantly correlated with participation. This finding shows that experience in public service is crucial when an LCE
conducts consultations with stakeholders. Finally, relevant trainings participated by LCEs significantly correlated with
transparency and general organization and governance.
Keywords - Character Traits, governance practices, local chief executives, five factor models.