Paper Title
The Learning of Angklung in The Learning Culture of Primary Teacher Education Students in Indonesia

Learning angklung ensemble in music major is common, but learning angklung in the environment of student in Primary Teacher Education major is uncommon. This research aims at analyzing the culture of learning angklung in students not majoring in Music, but in Primary Teacher Education. The method used was qualitative method by giving some angklung materials to be studied and performed. During the learning process, the students were observed, then after the show they were assigned to fill the survey to strengthen the findings about their learning culture in studying angklung. The results of the study indicated that students in Primary Teacher Education had high motivation to learn angklung, but did not have sufficient knowledge in basic theory of music, and in practice they had a learning culture that tended to be less able to hold a commitment to learn in groups or work together to perfectly complete an angklung music composition. Keywords - Learning Angklung, Learning Culture, College Students, Primary Teacher Education.