Paper Title
Autonomous Flight of a VTOL UAV on a Fixed/Permutable Path using Global Positioning System

There are a number of places that require surveillance but is inaccessible to humans- active volcanoes, calamity struck regions, terrorist sites and even borders of nations. In today’s world, it is easy to monitor such places constantly with methods ranging from satellite imagery to drones. However, operation of such equipment involves spending labor and man hours. Efficiency can be achieved by finding a way to survey it autonomously without the help of a human to pilot or monitor the system. An autonomous flight system capable of assisting in military/intelligence/rescue/supplies will be a boon in this scenario. In this project, we design a quad rotor capable of vertical take-off and landing that can be operated completely autonomously by setting up waypoints to survey on a map. Upon instruction, the quad rotor is capable of flying autonomously to the marked way points and returning back to the launch position without any human intervention. Keywords - Autonomous, VTOL UAV, GPS, Quad Rotor, Flight Control System.