Paper Title
Design and Implementation of a Computerized Management Information System to Improve Secondary School Administration in Cameroon

The need for Secondary School Management Information System in the context of recent developments in the digital economy is as critical as the need for education itself. Secondary Schools in Cameroon and many developing countries put in a lot of effort in managing information and giving the right output to the ever waiting public. The paper is aimed at designing and implementing a school management information system tailored to suit the needs of Cameroon’s secondary educational system in order to solve the problem of data collection, processing and sharing within the educational milieu. The methodology used in the programming is MERISE Method of database design and the program achieved is named DBezt SCUL M.I.S. The program is a network-based Windows program that is both desktop and web-based. The network design is suggested to enhance the system sharing and division of labour. The result of this paper is to produce an electronic school management information system that is functional at micro and macro level. Keywords - Management Information System, School Management Information System, Secondary Eduction, Cameroon’s educational system, school administration