Paper Title
Role of Organizational justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Project based Organization: Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership
Project performance has been enlightened with the relationship of organizational justice and organizational
citizenship behaviour. Current research work is considering the individual significant relation of components of
organizational justices with organizational citizenship behaviour where psychological ownership is mediating each relation
with the support of equity theory. Data is collected from 226 respondents in 46 projects based organization. Results revealed
that all components of the organizational justice have high positive relevancy and relation with organizational citizenship
behaviour which indicates the perception of the project manager to induce the courtesy factor in the operation of projects.
Moreover, findings on the mediating role of psychological ownership are multivariate for organizational justice and
organizational citizenship behaviour. Further, future recommendations and research restraints are discussed.
Keywords - Interpersonal Justice, Informational Justice, Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Organizational Citizenship
Behaviour, Psychological Ownership, Project Performance.