Paper Title
Effect of Electro mobility Development on Electricity Consumption

Global development of the automotive industry in the area of electric vehicles is characterised by an impressive dynamism, which obviously raises a question about the future of this sector and other cooperating industries. According to forecasts by the International Energy Agency the current exponential trend of development in this sector will be maintained and the number of electric vehicles is expected to exceed 100 million in 2030. A long-term forecast by BP assumes an analogous to the IEA’s forecast global number of electric vehicles (100 million), although achieving this level is expected later, i.e. in the year 2035. In the paper its authors analyse historical trends of such values as: electric vehicles development in selected countries of the world, demand for electricity required for their exploitation, Greenhouse gases emission, battery cost and production, which were observed in the period 2010-2018. Additionally, the authors present in it forecasts of these values until 2020 and evaluate key factors for further development of the electric vehicles market. With regard to the abovementioned analyses one can propose a hypothesis that development of electromobility may constitute a challenge not only for ensuring electricity supply itself, but also for providing it at a proper time, which transfers the significance of the issue from generating power capacity to the issues of network management and developing so called smart grid technology and storing energy in the system. Index Terms - Electromobility, Electric Vehicles, Emissions, Forecasting, Smart Grid.