Paper Title
Participatory Action for Temporary Redevelopment of Privately-owned Vacant Lots in Urban Neighborhood of Bangkok

This paper proposed a new model of stakeholder partnership in providing a decision to manage privately-owned vacant lots in the neighborhood in Bangkok, Thailand from landowner himself/herself as one actor to multi-actors as the research project was engaged by a sample of residents around the vacancy, district officers and experts related to urban planning and design. Even though the unused lands would be temporarily converted by the redevelopment effort before landlords sold them for profitability, the useful patterns brought by participatory mechanisms of exploratory approach illustrating neighborhood impacts from vacant lands by GIS maps, land priority selection regarding indicators and criteria, and land design process seem to, not only resolve the issue but also drive innovation of vacant land management based on local solutions. Keywords - Vacant Land, Redevelopment, Stakeholder Participation, Urban Neighborhood.