Paper Title
Career Guidance Program Based on a Multistage Model for University Students in Japan

The era of the “100-year lifespan” has arrived in Japan. This development will require people to restructure their lives away from what has been the standard lifestyle for the Japanese: namely, the “three-stage life model” of “education, work, and retirement.” In this study, we developed a career guidance program based on the “multistage model for life” proposed by Gratton and Scott, in which individuals experience various stages of life in their own time, depending on their circumstances. The program was implemented for university students in a class setting, and its effectiveness was verified. The classes consisted of workshops designed to raise students’ awareness through active learning and interaction with each other. To measure the effectiveness of the class, a questionnaire survey was administered both before and after the class. The results revealed a statistically significant improvement in scores. The class addressed the students’ mindset, creating awareness regarding how they could live through a 100-year lifespan in a positive manner. These results suggest that the class achieved its intended effect. Keyword - 100 Year Lifespan, Career Guidance, Japan, Life Stage Model.