Paper Title
“Covid-19 & Business Environment: Disruptions, Opportunities and Challenges"

The primary aim of this research study paper is to conduct a literature review concerning theBUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (BE) during COVID-19, Disruptions, Opportunities and Challenges emerged in the Business and Management world out of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research study reviewed the existing literatures availablein the area of BE, with thekey focus on Business and Managementliteratures emerging around the COVID-19 situation. This research study found interestingly that the COVID-19 pandemic brought considerable Disruptions, Challenges andcreated future potential Opportunities in the contemporary "Business Environment (BE)", with unpresidential situations to the Strategic Decision Making (SDM) of Business enterprise's management at different levels. Also learnt that there is a need to further study the impact of COVID-19 on the "Business Environment" in a much holistic way to give a lesson learnings from the pandemic situation to the future decision makers from business and management research study point of view.This research study paper concludes with a review, suggesting scope for future holistic empirical research and identifying several impacts of COVID-19 on various aspects of Business Environment to the Businesses and Management world. Keywords - Business, Management, Strategic Management, Business Environment, COVID-19