Paper Title
The Role of Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction focuses on human-computing experiences, including the user interface and the mechanisms underlying experiences. Computers, cognitive science, human factors, information engineering, sciences, psychology, sociology, and anthropology are all contributing fields. HCI comprises three parts; the user, the computer, and the methods. The term "user" refers to a single user or a group of users working together. The computer is any technology that ranges from laptop to large-scale computer systems. Besides, there exist noticeable differences between human beings and computers. HCI's objectives are to deliver secure, accessible, and functional systems. Usability aims at promoting the learning and use of programs. Human-computer interaction studies how people make use or not of machine artifacts, programs, and infrastructures. Since the field was developed in the 1980s, many methodologies have emerged that explain human-computer interaction design. The majority of design approaches are based on a model for users, designers, and technological systems. Furthermore, poorly designed interfaces between humans and computers can lead to several unexpected problems. Keywords - Human Computer Interaction, User Interface, Contributing Field, HCI's Objective, GUI, Voice UIs, Embodying Agent, Diverse Branches.