Paper Title
The Effects of The Road Conditions on Traffic Accidents

Abstract - Traffic safety has long been an important priority for engineers, transportation departments, law enforcement workers, researchers, and many others in road construction areas. In the past several years, the number of restoration projects and traffic accidents that go with them have grown due to poor conditions of the road and subterranean infrastructure worldwide. Researchers must understand the causes of these accidents in order to undertake the necessary road and subterranean reconstruction efforts in safer conditions. Despite the fact that numerous researchers have studied the safety of various construction operations, there is still limited and insufficient research on road construction projects. Although there have been few study efforts to remedy this reporting gap, several significant variables of the accident have not yet been examined. This study enhances previous safety studies by assessing the value of data and showing a wide variety of key variables contributing to road accidents. The article also highlights the influence on the kind and severity of accidents of various elements, like road conditions and environmental conditions. The results of this paper would not only help to reduce traffic accidents in the construction zone by ignoring the sources of their problems, but they also help contractors and transport authorities to plan their projects better in a way that contributes completely to the safety of the services of the communities they serve. This will be done by providing indicators, mostly connected with the high rates of vehicle accidents. Keywords - law enforcement, researchers, infrastructure worldwide