Paper Title
Developing Habits Of Mind

Abstract - “Horace Mann has rightly said once that “habit is a cable, we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.”Developing of mind is a strategy, which has not been yet brought to schools in India in and it is about what you can do something about it in your class. If we think today our contribution is a novel, a new one and therefore today's paperis all about through the understanding of the strategies themselves, as well as what can we do about these in my classroom which is the most important thing. Most of the people who are teachers, either teaching children, or where teaching of adults, it does not matter, what anybody who's got anything to do with developing young minds so are we calling habits of the mind.So, the research which has been carried and presented today,and we all will be always wonder that why are we saying mind and why not to brain. I really like the statementthat habitis almost like a wiring in the brain.You really like this statement that habit is like a cable and we weavea thread of it each day. At last, we cannot break it just like any other physical habit that we have for ourselves in this life. Keywords - Cable, Habit Of Mind, Strategy, Weave