Paper Title
Motivation & Multiple Intelligence for Learning
Abstract - The present research is all about motivating students for learning. What the research is all about that, for a teacher this is the most difficult challenge. A challenge for a teacher at any stage, is how to motivate students.if you are motivated you will understand better, for these two ideas are also interlinked. A highly recommended book of Daniel Pink which is called Drive, talks about what motivates people, but what here is actually enumerated is which ideally sent by Daniel Pink, as well as from other people specifically, about the learning situation, that means, what motivates human beings. The word human beings are used that which will be focusing not only on students and in the school students and teachers, but these ideas about motivation apply to all of us, all human beings. By the right motivation, one human being is motivated to learn. So, if whatever the learner is, learning is relevant very obvious, if it is not relevant, It will be, we actually motivate. Second the student is, also motivated when they feel that they have some control of the learning process. whatever they are learning it is actually using the real life there likely to be more motivated. This is relevant because this is used in the real life. second important thing if it is possible bring real life into the classroom teaching.The school curriculum is something very much related to our real life. If it was not relevant in the real life it will not be there in the school. And if one can assume that whatever we are capturing in the school syllabus, is relevant, it is our job as a teacher to do our research beforehand and these days we have Google in our mobile. The study suggests also share the learning objectives with them. the feedback given to the students, that means this is where you are, and this is what you need to do to become better and
Keywords - Interlinked, Syllabus, Feedback, Drive, Enumerated, Curriculum