Paper Title
Sentiment Analysis using Text and Emoji

The investigation of the connection between sentiment analysis and emoji translation to text is the main goal of this project. The project's data consists of a range of product review from YouTube that were gathered on the video. In the end, this analysis looks at how emoji usage relates to product reviews that are seen as using natural language with emoji. The natural language processing used for text preprocessing. Emoji can also be considered as one of the languages to express the human express in the context. The advantage of this language is that no need to learn it and anyone can understand it. Everyone can convey their emotions and can also easily understand other’s emotions. In this project, our intent to analyze the emotion of text and emoji-based YouTube comments. Analyzing the comments directed to acknowledge the review of the product in the market. In this project we are going to compare the emoji translated text and original text data. Keywords - Emojis, Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Product Reviews, Youtube Comments, Polarity.