Paper Title
IoT based Vehicle Accident Detection and Prevention

The main ideal of this design is to help detect wearing helmets, drunk & drive and speeding, which frequently lead to major accidents. The smart machine immobilizer system consists of alcohol detectors, MEMS detectors and Arduino, wearing a seat belt will be obligatory for drivers. It's used to help the script of a drunk motorist by checking the motorist's breath from the alcohol detector and stopping the vehicle if he's drunk or not wearing a helmet, and we descry somnolence with the eye blink detector. MEMS detectors are installed in vehicles to descry accidents, whenever the vehicle hits the ground, the MEMS detectors sound an alarm so an accident occurs. However, an alert communication will be transferred on with the GPS position, If the rider faces an accident. Keywords - Alcohol Sensor, MEMS Sensor, Arduino, Eye Blink Detector, GPS