Paper Title
Numerical and Experimental Measurement of Residual Stress in Suspension A-Arm Using Incremental Hole-Drilling Method

Residual stress is a kind of stress that remains in mechanical components even after removing external forces. Residual stress mainly happens during the production process of a component, which, in turn, significantly affects its design and performance. The standard ASTM E837-01 analyzes residual stresses in components with flat surfaces using the drilling method and presents stress calibration coefficients with a constant stress profile. However, there is not a special standard to measure residual stress in curved components utilizing the drilling method. In this study, the considered model, which is a vehicle A-Arm, is simulated first; then, a dynamic analysis is done under a road load profile using ANSYS software, and the critical points of the specimen are determined; in the next step, a residual strain measurement test is performed using central drilling based on the standard; after calculating residual stresses experimentally, some suggestions are presented to reduce adverse residual stresses and enhance the component’s life. Keywords - Residual Stress, A-Arm, Hole-Drilling Method, Calibration Coefficient, ASTM Standard, Software Analy