Paper Title
Modern Challenges in Teaching Digital Literacy to Primary Schoolchildren in The Context of Inclusive Education

The article is aimed at identifying the current state of inclusive education in primary school. Based on international experience and internal research, not only the main problems of implementing inclusive education are identified, but ways to solve this problem are proposed. Based on the analysis of existing approaches, some methods for developing inclusive learning have been identified. Using a survey and questionnaire, some views of parents and teachers were identified. The main documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan were also analyzed in order to identify the positive but also negative aspects of this area of educating children with some limitations. Based on an analysis of existing approaches, requirements have been identified for the creation of special educational and methodological materials for the course “Digital Literacy” in a junior school of inclusive education to develop their potential capabilities. Keywords - Inclusive Education, Children With Special Educational Needs, Primary School Education, Teaching Materials, Digital Literacy.