Paper Title
Causal Model Of Motorcyclist Helmet Use Behavior In Iran: Pls-Sem Approach
Despite the cumulating evidence regarding the effectiveness of helmet use by motorcyclists in reducing fatalities
and severe injuries, helmet usage remains low among Iranian motor riders. In fact, Iran has the fifth highest road traffic
fatality rate across the world. However, identifying the factors affecting the use of helmets by motorcycle riders is of great
interest, due to the increasing number of 2-wheel motorized vehicle fatalities worldwide. This study examines the factors
affecting motorcyclist helmet usage, such as age, social norms, tendency for violation, difficulty in helmet use, and the number
of fines issued for failed helmet use. For this purpose, a comprehensive questionnaire was developed with three questions
about helmet usage (i.e., just carrying a helmet, just wearing a helmet without closing the helmet strap, and correct use of a
helmet). Using a face-to-face interview method, 220 questionnaires were completed by motorcyclists. The data were analyzed
with the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) approach. The result of the total effect of age variable
showed positive effects of 0.12 on the complete use of helmet with increasing the age. The social norms latent variable (being
reflective of public views toward helmet usage, as well as encouragement by family and friends) had a great reducing effect
on both the tendency for violations and the difficulty of helmet usage, with total effect of 0.33 on the correct use of a helmet.
Furthermore, the effect of the number of fines was positive on both ―just carrying a helmet‖ and ―wearing a helmet
without closing the strap,‖ while it had a negative effect on ―correct use of a helmet.‖
Keywords- Helmet use, Motorcyclist behavior, Safety, PLS-SEM