Paper Title
Quality Management Of Teaching And Learning In Vietnam’s Tertiary Education: Significance Of The Outcome-Based Approach
This paper discusses the significance of the application of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) approach to
optimizing the quality management of teaching and learning in Vietnam’s tertiary education. The paper consists of four main
parts: Part (1) provides an overview of the practices of OBE in Vietnam’s tertiary education; Part (2) analyzes the
significance of the application of OBE to teaching and learning quality management; Part (3) mentions the principles for the
application of OBE; and Part (4) presents the challenges of the implementation of OBE in Vietnamese context. Results show
that there exist big gaps between the current practices and the principles of OBE implementation. The discussion in this
paper may inspire further discussion and may be of interest to educational administrators and instructors at tertiary level.
Keywords- quality management, teaching and learning, tertiary education, Vietnam, Outcome-Based Education.