Paper Title
Phytoplankton Survey And Physico-Chemical Assessment Of Kazaure Dam, Nigeria
This study was carried out to determine the weekly variation of some of the physicochemical parameters.
Temperature, pH, DO, BOD, Nitrate, Phosphate and Transparency in water samples and phytoplankton occurrence in
kazaure dam. A total of twenty four water samples were collected from three sampling point weekly. Standard method of
APHA (2010) was used for the analysis of physiochemical parameters. The results obtained show the mean weekly variation
in the three sampling point as follows: Temperature 31.1, 30.13 and 31.1oC, pH 7.5, 7.3, DO 5.80, 5.60, and 6.20mg/l, BOD
3.60, 3.41, and 3.31mg/l, Transparency 48.0, 40.8, and 48.1, Nitrate 0.55, 0.52 and 0.53mg/l, Phosphate 7.77, 7.64 and 7.77
mg/l. A total of twenty eight species of the phytoplankton were observed in this study, belonging to three classes,
Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. The Bacillariophyta were found to be the most diverse class with fifteen
species (53.6%) followed by Chlorophyta with eight species (28.5%) and Cyanophyta with five species (17.8%).
KeyWords- Phytoplankton, Transparency, Parameters and Cyanophyta.