Paper Title
Education In 100 Years Of Nigeria’s Existence: The Need And Benefits Of Public Private Partnership In Education
Public private partnership in Education is a voluntary alliance between various equal partners from the public and
private sector whereby they agree to work together to reach a common goal in the education sector or fulfil a specific need
that involves shared risks, responsibilities, means and competencies in the education system. Therefore, this paper is posed
to discuss extensively the need and benefit of public private partnership in education most especially as it concerns deliberate
attempt by the public and private sectors in the provision of educational resource materials and facilities for the betterment of
the system. The paper conclude that public private partnership in education is geared towards the maximization of the
potentials for expanding equitable access to education at all levels and the improvement in the learning outcomes. The paper
finally recommend that the public private project in education be sincerely programmed towards alleviating the problems of
the less privileges in the accessing education at all levels.