Paper Title
Designing An Online Scholarly Activity Management System
To accommodate the rapid changes occurring in the 21st century, an online scholarly activity management system
is increasingly utilized in mainstream higher education. Scholarly activity play a key role in exchanging learning ideas between
participants and enhance knowledge students. This paper proposes an architecture design and on cloud computing features for
a scholarly activity management system that performs a precise and accurate automatic assignment of consider the scholarly
activity. The online scholarly activity management system using web based systems and have been developed in the paradigm
of open source, which are used by most of the universities and colleges. This case study describes the implementation of a
prototype scholarly activity management system developed for enhance scholarly activity, The scholarly activity management
system aims to enhance student learning by: acting as a scaffold for reflection, providing an opportunity to create content,
knowledge tool, education technology, reaching learners-at-large on the Web and participation in a knowledge building
Index Terms— Scholarly Activity ManagementSystem, Conceptual Framework,Hearing-Impaired and Mobile Technologies.