Paper Title
The Development Of Innovation In Learning Management Project : Use Of A Theatre Student To Perform As A Standardized Patient To A Communication Course For Pharmacy Students
The Development of Innovation in Learning Management project: Use of a Theatre Student to Perform as a
Standardized Patient to a Communication Course for Pharmacy Students is an achievement of the integrations in learning
management between students in theatre course, Faculty of Arts and students in pharmacy course, Faculty of pharmacy,
Silpakorn University, Thailand.
This research has aimed to find the method to develop and integrate the learning process of the students in difference courses
since 2012. In 2015, the research has been supported by the Division of Educational Service, Silpakorn University to record
and develop it as a model for academics purpose. The data and information of the research are collected by informal
discussion with 25 theatre students, 9 lecturers and participants.
Keywords- Innovation, Learning Management, Integration