Paper Title
Air Quality In Developing Cities Of Punjab
The air we breathe is a mixture of gases and small solid and liquid particles. Some substances come from natural
sources while others are caused by human activities such as our use of motor vehicles, domestic activities, industry and
business. Air pollution occurs when the air contains substances in quantities that could harm the comfort or health of humans
and animals or could damage plants and materials. These substances are called air pollutants and can be either particles, liquids
or gaseous in nature. Keeping the air quality acceptable has become an important task for decision makers as well as for
non-governmental organizations. Particulate matter and gaseous emissions of pollutant emission from industries and auto
exhausts are responsible for rising discomfort, increasing airway diseases and deterioration of artistic and cultural patrimony in
urban centers EPA, (1994).
The project investigates the concentration of the pollutants Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulate Matter (size
less than10μm) generated at sites of Verka Milk Plant (Residential Area) , Vishavkarma Chowk (Commercial Area) and Nahar
Spinning Mill (Industrial Area) of the LUDHIANA city. The major pollutants as suggested by the Punjab pollution control
board is Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulate Matter. The maximum value of Particulate Matter was found to
be 472 μg/m3 at Nahar Spinning Mill, for Sulphur dioxide was found to be 15 μg/m3 at Nahar Spinning Mill, and for Nitrogen
dioxide was found to be 36μg/m3 at Nahar Spinning Mill.