Paper Title
An Empirical Study On The Relationship Between Public Organisations Employees’ Perception On Organisational Climate And Organizational Commitment
To date, factors that influence organizational commitment in public organizations in West Africa have not been
systematically investigated. Thus, this study aimed to add to the much-needed knowledge and information about this field in
The Gambia As public organizations are an integral parts of every countries development whose purpose is to provide
services to people. In this research, the aim is to examine whether positively organizational climate lead to higher
organizational commitment. The main paradigm of data inquiry for this study was quantitative research method. Besides,
self-reported surveys were used to administer the questionnaire. The data gathered from public organizations employees was
analyzed with the use of SPSS. It was found that satisfaction with positive organizational climate have positive relationship
with organizational commitment among public sector employees. There are some variations among the organizational
climate variables correlations to the dimensions of organizational commitment which were further discussed
Indexterms- Organizational Commitment, Organizational Climate, The Gambia, Public Organization.