Paper Title
Analyzing Of Marketing Strategy Formulation In Improve Competitive Advantage Of ECI
The purpose of this study is to formulate a competitive advantage strategy, in order ECI (express Chicken
Indonesia) enterprise as a newcomer in fast food franchise business. The method in this research used quantitative method,
with in-depth interviews and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) of the respondents were considered to have experiences and
knowledge in the field of fast-food restaurant. The result of FGD were tested with the model of triangulation to compare
with observation and interview data. The formulation of competitive advantage is done in three stages: the first stage is an
Input Stage; an evaluation of EFE (External Factors Evaluation) matrix, IFE (Internal factors Evaluation) Matrix and CPM
Matrix. The second stage is the Matching Stage; researcher using SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Matrix, IE (Internal External) matrix and Grand Strategy Matgrix.
The last stage is Decision Stage : The Formulated Strategy by QSPM (Quantative Strategic Planning Matrix). The results
showed that competitive advantage strategy for ECI is to integrate the strategy of QSPM matrix and SWOT matrix, the 1st is
market development and the 2nd is market penetration.
Keywords— Competitive advantage, Fast Food, Franchise, SWOT, BCG, EFE, IFE, SPACE, Grand Strategy, QSPM.