Paper Title
The Relationship Between General Health Ans Job Satisfaction Of The Health Care Employees In Kazeroon
Introduction: job satisfaction is one of the indicators that is associated with spiritual and general dimension of individuals
and plays an important role in improving the organization's progress. Since general health is affected by several factors and
job satisfaction is related with general health and expectancy for longer life, this study aimed to determine the relationship
between general health and job satisfaction of the employees working at Kazeroon Health Center.
Materials and methods: this study examined 217 employees of Kazeroon Health Center. Data was collected by the General
Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28 items) to assess general health. In addition, job satisfaction questionnaire was employed to
determine job satisfaction and data was analyzed by SPSS.
Findings: results showed that there was a significant relationship between general health and job satisfaction. The findings
also demonstrated that participants with higher education had higher general health. In general, rsults indicated that increased
employees' job satisfaction enhanced general health. Thereofore, attention to the importance of the above-mentioned
indicators, particularly in the employees working at the health field could affect improving job satisfaction and general
health, thus improving services provided by employees.
Keywords- General Health, Job Satisfaction, Workers Of General Health Center, Kazeroon