Paper Title
The Challenges Of The Criminal Responsibility Of The Offenders Of Crimes Of Air Pollution In Iraq After 2003

One of the main challenges for the protection of the air in Iraq from pollution, is the difficulty of determining criminal responsibility of the offenders of crimes of air pollution, which infringes the axis, which occupies the criminal philosophy and the policy which is used to reduce air contamination in criminal law; The air pollution offences may cause risks and dangers that cannot be evaluated and determine the seriousness of the crimes. This paper discusses the concept of public criminal responsibility in accordance with Iraqi legislation of the Iraqi Penal Act No. 111 of 1969, as well as the Protection Act; and to improve the Iraqi Environment No. 27 for the year 2009, and determine the criminal responsibility of the offenders in the air pollution offenses under this legislation. As well as a statement of the negative effects of the U.S occupation on Iraq, and its impact on the pollution of the Iraqi environment through using internationally forbidden weapons in 2003. For this purpose, the adoption of the qualitative method of research that has consulted primary and secondary sources. In this way, where there has also been conducted personal interviews of people involved in the judicial and academic career criminal, ultimately, the study found that there are many legal issues and constraints, such as the weakness of Iraqi laws and legislation in the field of environmental protection and multiple sources of pollution of the air in Iraq, has caused a slowdown in addressing these constraints which significantly affect in determining the responsibility of the offenders of the crimes of air pollution. Keywords- Criminal Responsibility, Air Pollution, Environment, Offenders.